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When FAIR packed a shipping container in Copenhagen in November 2020, it was in order for the container itself to be turned into an ICT workshop. After 5 months in transit, the container arrived at Mzuzu University and has its new home at an empty site exactly next to the ICT Department's buildings. Here, it will firstly be for storage, and soon function as an ICT workshop with the …
Reuben, 29 years old and currently assistant lecturer at the ICT Department at Mzuzu University, started at FAIR as a proud volunteer during his studies at Mzuzu University, and later became a staff member at the university. His experience at FAIR gave him the opportunity to put knowledge into practice, and ultimately shaped his career, by giving him important tools to work with ICT for development as well as inspiration …
In September 2013, FAIR launched a joint project with Mzuzu University (Mzuni) in Northern Malawi. The project model was the continuation of our first pilot project efforts, and should prove that schools and local forces could join to bring about the necessary sustainable environment for educational ICT centres. Not least, the project is overseen by the Malawi Ministry of Education's regional division.
One of the big success stories of this …
I september 2013, lancerede FAIR et projekt i samarbejde med Mzuzu University (Mzuni) i det nordlige Malawi. Projektmodellen var en fortsættelse af ideen fra vores første pilotprojekt, hvori ændringen især bestod af, at lokale kræfter skulle forenes for at skabe et bæredygtigt miljø, der kunne ernære IT-centre til uddannelse. Ikke mindst involverede projektet også det malawianske Undervisningsministeries regionale undervisningsmyndigheder.
Den store nyhed og succeshistorie i dette indlæg, handler dog ikke …
Kicking off our installation trip around the Northern region of Malawi, we setup the first centre at the home campus of our partner, Mzuzu University.
The centre was a wish by the university administration and the ICT Committee to provide better ICT access for students at the university. The need for better ICT access is critical: 3,100 registered students in 2013 and no general access …
We are very excited to announce that Mzuzu University (Mzuni), Northern Educational Division (NED), and FAIR have signed a Memorandum of Understanding about the current and future activities to provide sustainable ICT centres for secondary school education in Malawi.
The MOU has been planned since February 2013, through a number of physical meetings, and not least through online collaboration by email, chat, and Google Docs.
The project is very mutual: …
...and we are getting more excited for each day that passes. We've been working hard with practical issues, sorting equipment and preparing the equipment for the first centre. The staff at the ICT department are well-informed of the project, and we share a common vision of providing as many people as possible with ICT access, and to make the project sustainable.
During the coming month, we will switch to some more personal blogging, and this is a post hopefully to be followed up by many more about the next month of practical work to implement IT Centres around the Mzuzu area of Northern Malawi.
Lately, we have been in close contact, preparing the project with Mzuzu University's ICT head of department, Seyani Nayeja, who has also blogged about the project [1]. …
Jeg er netop vendt hjem fra en rejse til Malawi, hvor jeg d. 6. juni havde møde med Mzuzu Universitet om FAIRs kommende samarbejde med dem. I mødet deltog 7 personer fra universitetet samt en repræsentant fra den lokale administration af skolevæsenet i området.
Projektet går kort ud på at FAIR donerer et IT-center til Universitetet, så de kan optage flere IT-studerende. Samtidig etablerer vi i tæt samarbejde med universitetet …
During June-July and depending on shipping conditions, FAIR Denmark will kick off the next ICT centre project in partnership with Mzuzu University located in the Northern region of Malawi. The aim of the project is to equip 8-10 secondary schools with an ICT centre and to extend the experience gathered from the first pilot project.
Not least, the project will establish a main centre at …